To compile ocaml sdl I needed to add -lSDL_ttf to the CLIBS in OCamlSDL/src/Makefile. Also added -DHAVE_FREETYPE_FREETYPE_H to the CFLAGS in OCamlSDL/makefile.toplevel But I still don't sync with the vertical retrace. I have a small test loop that do the following: --------------------- ... let placement x y src dst = let h = surface_height src and w = surface_width src in let y_max = (surface_height dst) - h and x_max = (surface_width dst) - w in let r_smiley = (Rect(x, y, w,h)) and r_src = (surface_rect src) in surface_blit src r_src dst r_smiley; update_rect dst r_smiley;; (* The "main" loop *) for i = 1 to 200 do (* surface_blit icon r_src screen r_smiley; update_rect screen r_smiley;*) placement v.(0) 25 icon screen; v.(0) <- v.(0) +2; Sdltimer.delay 10; Sdlvideo.flip screen; done; ... -------------------------- The Sdlvideo.flip should sync with vertical retrace if sdl is initialized with SDL_DOUBLEBUF, SDL_HWSURFACE and I also tried to add SDL_FULLSCREEN with the same result. According to the online documentation SDL_Flip will wait for vertical retrace on hardware that supports it. G400 supports it, at least glx manages to do it. Thanks for any help, Best Regards Peter Rönnquist __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail Archives: