--- Luc MAZARDO wrote: > > > > To compile ocaml sdl I needed to add > > -lSDL_ttf to the CLIBS in OCamlSDL/src/Makefile. > > > > Also added -DHAVE_FREETYPE_FREETYPE_H to the > CFLAGS > > in OCamlSDL/makefile.toplevel > > > > But I still don't sync with the vertical retrace. > > I have a small test loop that do the following: > if you do : > $ make distclean > $ ./configure > i think automatically -DHAVE_FREE... has be adding > in CFLAGS > and -LSDL_ttf to CLIBS... > > try the latest release at ocamlSDL-0.5pre2 if you > want at : > > http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ocamlsdl/OCamlSDL-0.5pre2.tar.gz > > > The Sdlvideo.flip should sync with vertical > retrace if > > sdl is initialized with SDL_DOUBLEBUF, > SDL_HWSURFACE > > and I also tried to add SDL_FULLSCREEN with the > same > > result. > i will modify the current video initialisation with > a list of video_flags... > > > Thank you, ocamlSDL-0.5pre2 worked directly. Just a small note, to make ocamlsdl work the first time I had to do a "ln -s libfreetype.so.6 libfreetype.so" in /usr/lib but that I think is the responsibilty of the libfreetype package of debian . Best Regards Peter Rönnquist __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices http://auctions.yahoo.com/ ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail caml-list-request@inria.fr. Archives: http://caml.inria.fr