I've got Chris Okasaki's "Purely Functional Data Structures" (a very nice book). Of course, I've tried to program the examples (I needed some training with functors :-) and I've found some issues: - no recursion in modules (1) but I don't complain because this cannot (should not!) be done - no polymorphic recusion (aka non-uniform recursion) (2) but the trick given by Okasaki works well so I don't complain (but Okasaki explains the limits of his trick so...) - no views - improper type for lazy constructs (3) because they are implemented with references so the 'a stream (aka 'a lazy list) has some functions on '_a streams. Of course the infamous '_a comes from the reference, a good/built-in implementation should not have this problem: I am *not* happy! Regards Francis.Dupont@enst-bretagne.fr PS: more: 1- recursion in modules: module A = struct type t = C of B.tt ... end module B = Make(A) where Make is a functor. A uses B which is built from A. 2- polymorphic recusion (aka non-uniform recursion): type 'a seq = Nil | Cons of 'a * ('a * 'a) seq example: Cons(1,Cons((2,3),Cons(((4,5),(6,7)),Nil))) but Cons(1,Cons(2,Nil)) says that 2 should be of type int * int let rec size = function Nil -> 0 | Cons(_,r) -> 1 + size r ^ 1 ^ 2 size has both types 'a seq -> int (1) and ('a * 'a) seq -> int (2) The trick is to switch to: type 'a ep = Elem of 'a | Pair of 'a ep * 'a ep type 'a seq = Nil | Cons of 'a ep * 'a seq so all things will be of type 'a ep but Cons(Elem(1),Cons(Elem(2),Nil)) becomes legal. 3- streams (aka lazy lists) open Lazy (* to get type t and function force *) type 'a cell = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a stream and 'a stream = 'a cell Lazy.t but this type is not really polymorphic: «lazy Nil» has type «'_a cell Lazy.status ref» i.e. «'_a stream» not «'a stream» as it should be! So in place of a module Stream I had to write a functor Stream (with «sig type t end» as the argument signature) in order to fix the type of elements of streams. Argh!! The real purpose of streams is to write: let map f = let rec mapf s = lazy begin match force s with | Nil -> Nil | Cons(x,r) -> Cons(f x,mapf r) end in mapf let rec nat = lazy (Cons(0,map succ nat)) and so on... PPS: Michel, Pierre, si vous voulez que je vous prête le bouquin d'Okasaki n'hésitez pas à demander... Vous savez quoi faire en échange (:-). ------------------- Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs FAQ: http://caml.inria.fr/FAQ/ To unsubscribe, mail caml-list-request@inria.fr Archives: http://caml.inria.fr