open Pcaml;; type exprT = MLast.expr Grammar.Entry.e and pattT = MLast.patt Grammar.Entry.e;; let let_gen = Grammar.Entry.create gram "let_general";; let expr_where = Grammar.Entry.create gram "expr_where";; let str_item_semi = Grammar.Entry.create gram "str_item_semi";; let implem_pre = Grammar.Entry.create gram "implem_pre";; let let_lazy_binding = Grammar.Entry.create gram "let_lazy_binding";; let rec insert ?(word="WHERE") elems lst = match lst with [] -> elems | (<:str_item< $str:name$ >>,_ as w)::tl when name=word -> elems@(w::tl) | hd::tl -> hd::insert ~word elems tl let is_header = function <:str_item< value $lid:_$ = LazyX . nondef () >>, _ -> true | _ -> false EXTEND implem: [[ (l,stopped) = implem_pre -> let lst1,lst2 = List.partition is_header l in (List.rev (insert ~word:"HEADER" lst1 lst2),stopped) ]]; implem_pre: [[ "WHERE"; (sil,stopped) = SELF -> ((<:str_item< $str:"WHERE"$ >>,loc)::sil, stopped) | "HEADER"; (sil,stopped) = SELF -> (insert [(<:str_item< $str:"HEADER"$ >>,loc)] sil, stopped) | si = str_item_semi; OPT ";;"; (sil, stopped) = SELF -> (insert si sil, stopped) | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = OPT expr; ";;" -> ([(<:str_item< # $n$ $opt:dp$ >>, loc)], true) | EOI -> ([], false) ]]; str_item_semi: [[ si = str_item; OPT ";;" -> match si with <:str_item< LazyX.set $lid:dest$ $e$ >> as si -> [(<:str_item< value $lid:dest$ = LazyX . nondef () >>,loc);(si, loc)]; | _ -> [(si, loc)] ]]; str_item: LEVEL "top" [[ "let"; "lazy"; lb = let_lazy_binding -> lb | "lazy"; lb = let_lazy_binding -> lb]]; let_lazy_binding: [[ lb = let_binding -> let tr (p,e) = match p with <:patt< $lid:name$ >> -> <:str_item< LazyX.set $lid:name$ ( lazy $e$ ) >> | _ -> raise Stream.Failure in tr lb ]]; expr: BEFORE "top" [[ e = SELF; (ifRec,l) = expr_where -> <:expr< let $rec:ifRec!=None$ $list:l$ in $e$ >> ]]; expr_where: [["where"; _ = OPT "begin"; (ifRec,l) = let_gen; "end" -> (ifRec,l) | "where"; "{"; (ifRec,l) = let_gen; "}" -> (ifRec,l) ]]; let_gen: [[r = OPT "rec"; l = LIST1 let_binding SEP "and" -> (r,l)]]; module_expr: [[ "struct"; st = LIST0 [ "WHERE" -> `Where | s = str_item; OPT ";;" -> `Item s ]; "end" -> let rec f ((il::ils) as ilS:'a list list) = function [] -> ilS | (`Item i::l) -> f ((i::il)::ils) l | (`Where::l) -> f ([]::ilS) l in let s = <:str_item< $lid:"b"$ = $lid:"a"$ >> in <:module_expr< struct $list:(List.concat ( List.rev (f [[]] st)))$ end >> ]]; END;;