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From: Christophe TROESTLER <>
Subject: [Caml-list] Dbi: proposal #1
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 22:10:41 +0200 (CEST)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

[-- Attachment #1: Type: Text/Plain, Size: 1769 bytes --]

Hi all,

Here is the first proposal for a database independent interface (Dbi)
for Ocaml.  The file "dbi.mli" is attached below.  The code and some
experiments with Mysql can be downloaded from

Some sample code:

  module DB = Dbi_mysql  (* select db module *)
  let t = new DB.row_conversion
  let ( ++ ) = Dbi.(^^)

  let dbh = DB.connect ~host ~pwd "my database" in
  let q = dbh#prepare "SELECT Salary, Name from employees" in
  let res = dbh#raw_exec q [||] in
  let s = res#fold (t#int ++ t#string) (fun sum s _ -> sum + s) 0 in

This release is to foster discussions, it is not to be considered as
clean/ready-to-use code.  In particular, some points I'd like feedback

* I think the scheme for "parameter binding" (for encoding and
  decoding) is quite convenient (and prevents the often forgotten
  escaping for encoding).  Does it also fit the needs of your

* The way "parameter binding" is implemented (a la scanf) has some
  performance penalty.  Is it possible to come up with a better
  implementation or better ideas?  Is it possible to use Camlp4 to
  reduce the cost while providing the same convenience?

* Are you happy with the methods provided by Dbi.result and the
  interaction between "step by step" and "iteration/folding" schemes
  (stateful object)?

* What basic SQL conversion functions should be provided by all DBs
  (class type Dbi.conversion)?

* What exceptions should be defined in order not to have too many of
  them yet to offer flexibility?  The exceptions defined so far are a
  bit basic, they need to be refined.

I am available for questions if things are unclear (but don't hold
your breath, I am pretty busy).


[-- Attachment #2: dbi.mli --]
[-- Type: Text/Plain, Size: 10393 bytes --]

(* 	$Id: dbi.mli,v 1.4 2003/05/28 13:22:07 trch Exp $	 *)

(** {6 Data types and exceptions} *)

type date = int * int * int (* (year, month, day) *)
type time = int * int * int (* (hour, min, sec) *)

type row = string option array

type ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  (** SQL type conversions.  'param, 'row stand for an internal type
    used for storage by the database (which also implies that the
    sql_types cannot be used with other db, for which conversion
    functions may be different anyway).  One has to think 'a2b as 'a1
    -> ... -> 'an -> 'b where 'a1,...,'an are the Caml types
    corresponding to the SQL types. *)

exception Connection_error of string
  (** Raised if one tries to perform an operation that requires the
    connection to be established while it is not (because it
    died,...). *)

exception No_row_found
  (** Exception used to report that there are no more rows to be fetched. *)

exception Conversion_error
  (** Raised when an error occurs during a conversion between SQL
    types and Caml types. *)

exception SQL_error of string

(* More exceptions for reporting errors to be defined *)

(** {6 SQL types and conversion functions} *)

val ( ^^ ) : ('a2b2c, 'b2c, 'param, 'row) sql_type ->
  ('b2c, 'c, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> ('a2b2c, 'c, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  (** [t1 ^^ t2] concatenates the sql_types conversions [t1] and [t2]
    to accept first the arguments of [t1] then those of [t2]. *)

class type ['param, 'row] conversion =
  method unit : (unit -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method char : (char -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method charO : (char option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method string : (string -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method stringO : (string option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method int : (int -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method intO : (int option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method float : (float -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method floatO : (float option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method date : (date -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method dateO : (date option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method datetime : (date * time -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method datetimeO : ((date * time) option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method blob : (string -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  method blobO : (string option -> 'a, 'a, 'param, 'row) sql_type

  (* timestamp, int64, decimal, year *)

  method encode : ('a2b, unit, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'param -> 'a2b
  method decode : ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'row -> 'a2b -> 'b

val row_conversion : (row, row) conversion

(** {6 Results of SQL queries} *)

(** This is a stateful object encapsulating the result of a query to
  the database. *)
class virtual ['param, 'row] result :
  method virtual raw_fetch : row
    (** [raw_next t f] fetches the next row. *)
  method virtual fetch : ?on_failure:(row -> 'b) ->
    ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'a2b -> 'b
    (** [next t f] fetches the next row and apply the function [f] to it.

      If [Failure _] or [Conversion_error] is raised during the
      conversion or by [f], [next] @raise Conversion_error unless the
      parameter [on_failure] is specified in which case the function
      [on_failure] is applied to the current row.

      @raise No_row_found if there are no more rows. *)
  method virtual rewind : unit
    (** [rewind] replace the cursor at the beginning of the results so
      one can use [next] to list them again. *)

(* DISCUSS: would people prefer [next : unit] and [current_row : row]
   methods ? *)

  method raw_fold : ('b -> row -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
  method raw_iter : (row -> unit) -> unit

  method fold : ?on_failure:('b -> row -> 'b) ->
    ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> ('b -> 'a2b) -> 'b -> 'b
    (** [fold ?on_failure t f b] folds the function [f : 'b -> 'a1 ->
      ... -> 'an -> 'b] on the remaining rows of the result where the
      conversions of the data returned from the database is specified
      by [t].  More precisely, if r(1),...,r(k) are the rows of the
      result and one has already fetched r(1),...,r(j), [fold f b]
      computes [f (... (f (f b r(j+1)) r(j+2)) ...)  r(k)].

      @raise Conversion_error if the conversion functions of [f] raise
      [Failure _] or [Conversion_error] unless the parameter
      [on_failure] is specified. *)

  method iter : ?on_failure:(row -> unit) ->
    ('a2b, unit, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'a2b -> unit
    (** [iter f] apply the function [f : 'a1 -> ... -> 'an -> unit] in
      turn to all the remaining rows of the result.

      @raise Conversion_error if the conversion functions of [f] raise
      Failure unless the parameter [on_failure] is specified. *)

  method virtual nrows : int
    (** Number of rows in the result.  This method returns the number
      of affected rows if the query was not a SELECT. *)
(* DISCUSS: nrows : int64 *)

  method virtual ncols : int
    (** Number of columns in the result; 0 if the query is not a
      SELECT. *)
  method virtual names : string array
    (** Names of the colums -- hold in an array of length [ncols]. *)
  method virtual types : string array
    (** Types of the columns of the result. *)
  method check : ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> bool
    (** [check t] checks that the conversion [t] is *compatible* with
      the data contained in the result. *)

(** {6 Database handle & operations} *)

class type ['param, 'row, 'query] connection =
  method database : string
    (** The name of the database one is connected to. *)

  method create_db : string -> unit
    (** [create_db name] creates a new database named [name].
      @raise Failure if it fails. *)

  method select_db : string -> unit
    (** [select_db name] selects the database named [name] as the current one.
      @raise Failure if it fails. *)

  method drop_db : string -> unit
    (** [drop_db name] delete the database named [name].
      @raise Failure if it fails. *)

  method tables : string list
    (** [tables] returns a list of the names of the tables of the
      current database. *)

  method prepare : string -> 'query
    (** [prepare stm] prepares the query [stm] to be executed.  All
      the unescaped '?' are placeholders to be replaced by an argument
      when the query is executed.

      prepare "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = ?"
      prepare "INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES (?,?)"

  method raw_exec : 'query -> row -> ('param, 'row) result
    (** [raw_exec q r] executes the query [q] with the '?' replaced by
      the values taken from [r].  The values in [r] must not be
      escaped -- it is the role of this function to do the proper
      escape. *)

  method exec : 'query ->
    ('a, ('param, 'row) result, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'a
    (** [exec q in_types] returns a function, lets us call it [f : 'a1
      -> ... -> 'an -> ('param, 'row) result], that will execute the
      prepared query [q] with the '?' interpreted as values of type
      given by [in_types].

      Example: On a table 'people' with a column 'age', one can do

      [let t = new ...conversion
      let q = dbh#prepare "SELECT * FROM people WHERE age = ?"
      let with_age i = dbh#exec q t#int i]

  method commit : unit
    (** [commit()] commit the changes to the database. *)
  method rollback : unit
    (** [rollback()] roll back the changes made since last commit. *)
  method disconnect : unit
    (** [disconnect()] disconnects from the database.  Trying to use
      this object after will raise [Failure]. *)

(** We recommend that the implemetations of Dbi for a particular
  database possesses a function [connect] (so it is enough to replace
  XXX by the database module in a declaration like "module DB = XXX"
  to switch to a particular database engine) of the following type:
type ('param, 'row, 'query) connect
  = ?user:string -> ?pwd:string -> ?host:string -> ?port:int ->
  string -> ('param, 'row, 'query) connection
(** [connect ?user ?pwd ?host ?port db] returns a new connection
  object to database [db].  If [db = ""], no database is selected.

  @param user the unser name under which to connect (default: current user).
  @param pwd  the password for the connection (default: None).
  @param host the hostname of the SGDB server (default: localhost/sockets).
  @param port the port to connect to (default: database dependent)


(* Low level -- for implementors of Dbi interfaces to databases. *)

val register_sql_type :
  string -> ('row -> int -> 'a) -> ('param -> int -> 'a -> unit)
  -> ('a -> 'b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type
  (* [register_sql_type name decode encode] creates a new sql
     conversion function where [name] is the database name for the
     type, [decode r i] converts the content of the [i]th column in
     the database row [r] to a Caml type and [encode r i x] encodes
     [x] into the [i]th column of the row [r].  If the [decode]
     function raise a [Failure _] or a [Conversion_error] exception,
     it is interpreted as an error in the decoding.  The [encode]
     function should not raise any exception. *)

val unsafe_decode : ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> 'row -> 'a2b -> 'b
  (* [unsafe_decode t r f] returns the result of [f a1 ... an] where
     [a1],..., [an] are the values in the row [r] decoded according to
     [t].  It is not checked that the row is as large as [t] expects;
     if it is not, the program can crash. *)

val unsafe_encode : (unit -> 'b) -> ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type ->
  'param -> 'a2b
  (* [unsafe_encode cont t r a1 ... an] encodes in [r] the values
     [a1],...,[an] according to [t] and then evaluate the continuation
     [cont].  The result of [unsafe_encode] is the result of [cont].
     It is not checked that the row is large enough to contains all
     these values; if it is not, the program can crash. *)

val arity : ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> int
  (* [arity t] gives the number of arguments/colums expected by [t];
     i.e., if [t : ('a1 -> ... -> 'an -> 'b, 'b, 'param, 'row)
     sql_type], then [arity t] is n. *)

val sql_type_to_string : ('a2b, 'b, 'param, 'row) sql_type -> string array
  (* [sql_type_to_string t] returns an array of the SQL types names
     expected by [t]. *)

             reply	other threads:[~2003-06-10 20:05 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 11+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2003-06-10 20:10 Christophe TROESTLER [this message]
2003-06-11  2:06 ` Nicolas Cannasse
2003-06-12 18:50   ` Christophe TROESTLER
2003-06-11 16:13 ` Richard Jones
2003-06-12 19:07   ` Christophe TROESTLER
2003-06-13  8:12     ` Damien Pous
2003-06-13 11:01       ` Richard Jones
2003-06-13 14:26       ` Christophe TROESTLER
2003-06-13 11:05   ` Richard Jones
2003-06-13 11:49 Benjamin Geer
2003-06-13 13:45 Benjamin Geer

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