Make you richer!Get more money easily!

What is the TickerBar™?
The TickerBar™ offers its members the ability to get paid just for using the internet. The TickerBar will not only show you current events, stock prices and weather, it will also display advertising. We pay our users a portion of the advertising revenue as a reward for using the TickerBar™.
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Why should I become a user?
Because you earn money for simply installing the TickerBar on your PC. If you want to earn more, just work on building your downline. It's not too hard to get 10 people to sign up. Once you get 10, help them signup 10 and so on. If you signed up 10 people and they signed up 10 people, who in turn signed 10 people and so on for 6 levels, you would have over 1 million people in your downline! Yes, over ONE MILLION! OK, here's the math: 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000,000 Join Now!
What do I have to do to "get paid to use the Web"?
Just sign up as a member! You will immediately be assigned a user id and will have the ability to download the TickerBar all within 60 seconds or less. The TickerBar you download will automatically be personalized to you. You then can re-distribute your personalized TickerBar to your friends and anyone who installs it will automatically be in your downline!
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Is the TickerBar available worldwide?
Yes! Individuals of all nationalities are encouraged to apply for membership. All payments are in US dollars.
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What do you mean by "6 Levels Paid"?
Being paid for 6 levels means you are credited for all the people who have signed up underneath you for 6 levels. If you sign up 10 people (level 1), and those 10 people each signup up 10 people (level 2), and those 10 people each signup 10 people (level 3) and so on up to 6 levels.
Here is how it would look if everyone signed up 10 people on 6 levels:
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Can I have multiple accounts?
Having multiple accounts is strictly prohibited. There can only be one account per household.
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When do I get paid?
Commissions are paid within 60 days after the following month where monies where requested. You may request a check anytime after you have accumulated $50 or more for (US residents) or $90 or more for (non US residents).
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Can I user the TickerBar with other Paid to Surf Programs?
Yes! Other paid to surf programs are usually floating banners and will not interfere with the TickerBar™. The TickerBar takes very little real estate on your computers desktop and will not clutter your screen.
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How old do I need to be to participate?
You must be 13 years of age to particpate. If you are under the age of 18, you must have parental permission.
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Does clicking on banners increase the money I earn?
No. Clicking does not increase your revenue. You should click a banner if you see something of interest, otherwise don't waste your time ;-)
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Does the TickerBar work on MAC OS? No, not at this time. Join Now!
I have WebTV. Can I use the TickerBar™?
No, WebTV will not work with the TickerBar™.
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May I participate by using more than one PC?
Short answer is Yes. Long answer is you can install your TickerBar on more than one computer, but you will not be able to accumate more than 24 hours for Online time in a single day.
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Do I have to buy anything?
No. Your membership is absolutely free.
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How will I know how much I've earned?
Login to the member area and click "account". You will then be presented with your stats.
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How do I cancel my account?
Login to the member area and click "member services", then click "cancel account".
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