* Alex Baretta (alex@baretta.com) wrote: > Xavier Leroy wrote: > > >A good component model for OCaml (and other languages): that would be > >interesting. Shared libraries for the sake of shared libraries: that > >isn't interesting in the least. > > > >- Xavier Leroy > > > This is a very interesting remark. Indeed, static type safety seems > rather incompatbile with a component model, yet, I'm sure someone is > doing research on the subject. Can anyone point me to the relevant material? Hi, I am currently working on a process calculus that aims at modelling the Fractal component model (see http://fractal.objectweb.org for more info about this component model). We want to use this to build type systems and other verification tools, as well as doing an implementation in our favorite language (tm) (it has two implementations for the moment: one in Java, and one in C). We don't have much to read yet, we are currently finishing up a tech report about the calculus itself. I can announce it here when we're done. Alan Schmitt -- The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen. .O. ..O OOO