The two functions are defines as follows in ocaml:
type zchaff_solver
external zchaff_InitManager : unit -> zchaff_solver = "zchaff_InitManager"
external zchaff_ReadCnf : zchaff_solver -> string -> unit = "zchaff_ReadCnf"
and my usage of these two functions are :
# let mysolver = zchaff_InitManager () ;;
# let _ = zchaff_ReadCnf (mysolver) ("testcaser/1.cnf");; 
Thanks !
Damien Doligez <damien.doligez@inria.fr> wrote:
On Jul 11, 2004, at 20:58, Andy Yang wrote:

> value zchaff_InitManager(void)
> {
> CAMLparam0();
> CAMLlocal1(val);
> void* solver = SAT_InitManager();
> val = copy_int32((int)solver);
> cout<<"solver = "<> CAMLreturn ( val );
> }
> void zchaff_ReadCnf(value mng, value filename)
> {
> CAMLparam2(mng, filename);
> SAT_Manager solver = (void*)Int32_val(mng);
> cout<<"solver = "<> assert(solver != NULL);
> char * fn = String_val(filename);
> cout<<"file = "<> read_cnf(solver, fn);
> CAMLreturn0;
> }

This code looks OK. How did you declare these two functions on
the OCaml side of things?

> Thus I should follows ocaml's Tag rules. However, the
> ! problem still exists. Tracing with gdb, I noticed that
> the toplevel still crashes in function obj_tag.

Sounds like the toplevel is trying to pretty-print one of your

-- Damien

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