On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 03:20:56PM +1000, skaller wrote: > My personal take is: all 'make' based build systems > are fundamentally flawed because they're based on > the wrong concept. Can I stand up for 'make' (well, GNU make anyway) and point out that whatever its philosophical problems, it: (a) works (b) works on lots of different platforms, including Windows (c) works with lots of different languages (except Java, but that's Java's fault), including our favorite OCaml, and (d) is familiar and simple to use for most developers Sorry, just had to point out that sometimes the perfect tool fails for practical reasons. Rich. -- Richard Jones. http://www.annexia.org/ http://www.j-london.com/ Merjis Ltd. http://www.merjis.com/ - improving website return on investment C2LIB is a library of basic Perl/STL-like types for C. Vectors, hashes, trees, string funcs, pool allocator: http://www.annexia.org/freeware/c2lib/