Hi, For fun I have implemented an nbody simulation following http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/benchmark.php?test=nbody&lang=all&sort=cpu (code is attached). I've compiled it with ocamlopt -o nbody.com -inline 3 -unsafe -ccopt -O2 nbody.ml I've compared with the Java program they give. I get (on a Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Debian): n OCaml Java 1000 0.004 0.112 10000 0.016 0.112 100000 0.159 0.218 200000 0.284 0.370 500000 0.707 0.702 1000000 1.410 1.359 2000000 2.884 2.453 3000000 4.294 3.590 4000000 5.735 4.774 I am interested in explanations why OCaml seems asymptotically slower than Java and ways to improve that. My concern is actually not so much for the shootout as for my own numerical programs. Regards, ChriS