On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 11:13:15PM +0200, Damien Doligez wrote: > Have you tried compiling without option -unsafe and using only the > safe versions of Array.get and Array.set? > > Is your program pure OCaml without any C code? Yes, and yes. I don't use -unsafe, and assuming you mean the normal Array.set and Array.get, I use them and never unsafe_get or unsafe_set. No C code. I compile and link everything with -thread or -vmthread and the only non-default libs I link in are str, unix and threads. I don't use Obj or Marshal. > If the answers are yes to both questions, I'd like to get a copy > of your source. That is possible. However the program interfaces with a server written in perl and I'll have to ask for permission to give its code to you - it's probably quite hard to get the bug to happen without the server program. I assume I can get a permission within a day or at most two so I'll get back to you then. Sami