Le septidi 27 pluviôse, an CCXIV, Kai Kuehne a écrit : > Just a question... I wan't to start programming in Ocaml but it would be great > if there were a ncurses-binding. I know ocaml-tmk, but there is no release yet > and it seems that there won't be a release-version. :) > > Well.. is anybody here planning to implement a ncurses-binding for ocaml > or finish ocaml-tmk? Hi. I am the shameful author of ocaml-tmk. I can say that for me, the project is dead: I almost do not write Caml these times, and I have more pressing things to do. I say "shameful" because at least one person proposed to carry on the project, and I procrastinated my reply. Which makes I must make apologies for replying so late, which makes me procrastinate more. So today I force myself to answer. I am really sorry for people who counted on me. I am willing to give the project to anyone who wants it, provided he tells me exactly what I have to do on the Savannah website to change the ownership, including a possible licence change to include I-do-not-remember-what Caml-specific exception to the LGPL.. As for your immediate needs: the ncurses binding in the current state of TMK was working and fairly complete last time I checked. As far as I remember, the only missing parts are the scanf-like functions and the mouse parts. What is not complete at all is the widget system on top of that, but if you only need low-level ncurses functions, you may be lucky. On the other hand, the code dates back to just before the coming of dynalically-loaded primitives. The build system is probably broken with regard to that aspect. I hope this will be useful, and I re-iterate my apologies to the people who wrote to me. Regards, -- Nicolas George