In the best traditions, I partially answer to myself (below) but I've a new question: > - Does camlp4 allows me to mix lexers for different productions in the same > extension ? well, it seems it doesn't. Now I get this error: Error: entries "psymbol" and "symbol" do not belong to the same grammar. Fatal error: exception Failure("Grammar.extend error") - Is there a deep reason why I cannot mix different grammars ? - Is there a way of forcing this behaviour ? On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 12:40:11PM +1100, Pietro Abate wrote: > Hi all, > I want to parsa a language like this one: > l := l & l | l % l | Id [...] > of course the Genlex module is not immediately compatible with the Plexer > interface so I'm a bit lost... > > - Is this the best way of doing it ? don't know, maybe not. > - How can I make the Genlex module compatible with the Plexer > interface (example ?) ? This should do the job (I think) even if ignore the location... open Genlex let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer [ "+";"-";"*";"/";"="; "[";"]";"<";">"; "%";"&";"*";"?";"~" ];; let getkwd = function Kwd s -> s | _ -> failwith "aa" ;; let rec glexer = parser [< 'Kwd ("+" | "-" | "*" | "/" |"=" | "[" | "]" | "<" |">" | "%" | "&" | "?" | "~" ) as s >] -> ("", getkwd s) | [< 'Ident s >] -> ("LIDENT",s) | [< >] -> ("EOI","") ;; let lexer_gmake () = { Token.tok_func = Token.lexer_func_of_parser (fun s -> (glexer (lexer s), Token.dummy_loc)); Token.tok_using = (fun _ -> ()); Token.tok_removing = (fun _ -> ()); Token.tok_match = Token.default_match; Token.tok_text = Token.lexer_text; Token.tok_comm = None } ;; The full code of my example: to compile: #> camlp4o pa_extend.cmo pr_o.cmo >> #> ocamlfind ocamlc -package camlp4 camlp4.cma str.cma ------------ ------------ open Genlex type stype = Lid | Symbol of string ;; let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer [ "+";"-";"*";"/";"="; "[";"]";"<";">"; "%";"&";"*";"?";"~" ];; let getkwd = function Kwd s -> s | _ -> failwith "fail getkwd" ;; let rec glexer = parser [< 'Kwd ("+" | "-" | "*" | "/" |"=" | "[" | "]" | "<" |">" | "%" | "&" | "?" | "~" ) as s >] -> ("", getkwd s) | [< 'Ident s >] -> ("LIDENT",s) | [< >] -> ("EOI","") ;; let lexer_gmake () = { Token.tok_func = Token.lexer_func_of_parser (fun s -> (glexer (lexer s), Token.dummy_loc)); Token.tok_using = (fun _ -> ()); Token.tok_removing = (fun _ -> ()); Token.tok_match = Token.default_match; Token.tok_text = Token.lexer_text; Token.tok_comm = None } ;; let symbgrammar = Grammar.gcreate (lexer_gmake ());; let symbol strm = match Stream.peek strm with |Some("",s) -> Stream.junk strm; s |Some("LINDENT",s) -> Stream.junk strm; s | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ;; let symbol = Grammar.Entry.of_parser symbgrammar "symbol" symbol ;; let grammar = Grammar.gcreate (Plexer.gmake ());; let gram_list = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "gram_list";; EXTEND GLOBAL: gram_list; gram_list: [[ grams = LIST1 gram; EOI -> grams ]]; gram: [[ p = LIDENT; ":="; rules = LIST1 rule SEP "|" -> (p,rules) ]]; rule: [[ psl = LIST1 psymbol -> psl ]]; psymbol: [[ "VAR" -> Lid | e = symbol -> Symbol(e) ]]; END ;; let apply s = Grammar.Entry.parse gram_list (Stream.of_string s);; (apply "l := VAR");; (apply "l := VAR & VAR");; (apply "l := VAR U VAR");; Je vous remercie énormément pour votre aide. :) p -- ++ Blog: ++ ++ "All great truths begin as blasphemies." -George Bernard Shaw ++ Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. See