Hi, I am fighting with the compilation of ocamlodbc under windows (code here: http://cvs.gna.org/cvsweb/ocamlodbc/?cvsroot=ocamlodbc). The problem is that link /verbose /nologo /dll /out:dllocamlodbc.dll /def:ocamlodbc.DEF ocaml_odbc_c.d.obj /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Objective Caml\lib" ocamlrun.lib odbc32.lib returns the error: ocaml_odbc_c.d.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _caml_local_roots referenced in function _ocamlodbc_initDB_c dllocamlodbc.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals (complete report attached). What I find strange is that all other caml symbols are resolved (and ocamlrun.lib matches for _caml_local_roots). What did I do wrong ? Cheers, ChriS