Hello, General: ocaml-gettext is a library that enables string translation in OCaml. The API is based on GNU gettext. It comes with a tool to extract the string which needs to be translated from OCaml source file. This enable OCaml program to output string in the native language of the user (if you also provide a file containing the translation of the english string contains in the program to the one in the native language of the user). The translation is based on string (this means that you need to provide a string and not a unique identifier, like in some other catalog system). This string is in english, and will be returned if the native language of the user doesn't have translation catalog. Changes: v 0.3.0 has been long awaited but is now ready. It fix a lot of bugs concerning merging PO and POT file (multiline comments, UTF-8...). This is also the first release that works with camlp4 3.10. This new version doesn't need camlidl and ocaml-ast-analyze anymore, in order to simplify installation. When building, it is also possible to not use Camomile in favor of a simple gettext C library. Links: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/ocaml-gettext.html http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/download/ocaml-gettext-0.3.0.tar.gz Regards Sylvain Le Gall ps: i already sent this mail 5 hours ago, since it doesn't reach the list, i post it again. Sorry for the noise if both message get posted.