While learning OCaml, I just coded a small program that dumps the full content of a cmi file. I find this more usefull than ocamlbrowser or to use the toplevel to have a small command line driven dumper, and it was also a good pretext to have a look under the cover. The problem is : most of the usefull types and functions are installed in the toplevellib.cma but I can't use this without the proper cmi files (I need config.cmi for cmi_magic_number, printtyp.cmi and typemod.cmi for printing signatures, but env.cmi would be nice to have as well for read_signature). Of course I can use those left in ocaml-3.11.1 directory after compilation, but having them installed would help the creation and distribution of such tools. But maybe there is an other way to use toplevellib.cma that I'm unaware of ? If not, then why not install these cmi files along with toplevellib ? Anyway, if anyone is interrested the tool is attached.