open Format let want_magic = ref false let want_crc = ref false let want_name = ref false let want_flags = ref false let want_sig = ref false let simplify_sig = ref false (* Stolen from - would be great of exported *) type flags = Rectypes let print_flags flags = let flag_name = function | Rectypes -> "Rectypes" in printf "@[Flags@ =@ [@[" ; List.iter (fun f -> printf "%s@ " (flag_name f)) flags ; printf "]@]@]@." let print_magic m = printf "@[Cmi magic number@ =@ %s (%s)@]@." m (if m = Config.cmi_magic_number then "OK" else "Wrong!") let print_name name = printf "@[Name@ =@ %s@]@." name let print_crcs crcs = let print_crc (modname, crc) = printf "@[%s [%s]@]@ " modname (String.escaped crc) in printf "@[CRCs = @[" ; List.iter print_crc crcs ; printf "@]@]@." let print_sig sign = fprintf std_formatter "@[Signature@ =@ @[<1>%a@]@]@." Printtyp.signature (if !simplify_sig then (Typemod.simplify_signature sign) else sign) (* Reading persistent structures from .cmi files - Stolen from typing/ * We'd rather use this instead of Env.read_signature so that we get all * components of the cmi files, not just signature *) let process_cmi_file filename = let show_sig = !want_sig || (not !want_magic && not !want_crc && not !want_name && not !want_flags) in let ic = open_in_bin filename in let magic_len = String.length (Config.cmi_magic_number) in let buffer = String.create magic_len in really_input ic buffer 0 magic_len ; let (name, sign) = input_value ic in let crcs = input_value ic in let flags = input_value ic in close_in ic ; if !want_magic then print_magic buffer ; if !want_name then print_name name ; if !want_crc then print_crcs crcs ; if !want_flags then print_flags flags ; if show_sig then print_sig sign let process_file fname = if Filename.check_suffix fname "cmi" then process_cmi_file fname else printf "Don't know what to do with file '%s'\n" fname let _ = Arg.parse [ "-magic", Arg.Set want_magic, " Display cmi magic number" ; "-name", Arg.Set want_name, " Display module name" ; "-crc", Arg.Set want_crc, " Display CRC" ; "-flags", Arg.Set want_flags, " Display flags" ; "-sig", Arg.Set want_sig, " Display signature" ; "-simplify", Arg.Set simplify_sig, " Do not simplify the signature" ] process_file "Syntax : cmidump [options] files... Shows the content of cmi files. If no option is given, shows only the signature. Possible options : "