
Another possibility: write a WebGL version of the game with js_of_ocaml and make it work in a browser :)


> Hello,


> I just wrote in two days a small openGL game (~500 lines in one file),

> with fun options:


> - anaglyph 3D (yet to tune, I have not received my cyan/red glasses yet)

> - game replay

> - register game and high-score on a web site.


> Please visit


> Many possibilities for this code:

> - have fun and have the best high-score on the web site ;-)

> - use the fun factor for teaching ... please inform me if you have any

> succes failure ... There are FIXME in the code

> which could be good idea ... This is how this game started after all ...

> - write program that play the game.

> - find a way to check that game on the website are real game played by

> human at normal speed (hard research ?)

> - port to other openGL bindings for OCaml (send me your file, I will put

> it on the website)


> Have fun,

> Christophe Raffalli