Hi, We have been using our home-made (Eliom based) wiki for years on http://ocsigen.org and http://www.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr and it is probably a good candidate for ocaml.org. The project is called Ocsimore (see http://ocsigen.org/ocsimore ). You can test it on page: https://ocsigen.org/sandboxwiki/ Log in with user "test", password "test". and see the manual for the syntax here: https://ocsigen.org/ocsimore/dev/manual/wiki This wiki is somewhat different from all others, but has very interesting features that may be useful for ocaml.org: * you can mix static pages and wiki pages: if the static page is present, it will be sent, otherwise the wiki page is displayed. It is possible for example to keep the current web site and add progressively new pages using the wiki. * you can create several wikis on the website, corresponding to different rights. For example http://ocsigen.org/devarea/ is a wiki restricted to ocsigen's developers. * There is no default page container, and no default stylesheet: each wiki has its own container, common to every page of the wiki, that is itself written using wiki syntax. Editing the container requires special rights. * CSS are also edited online (by the users who have the right for this) * You can create CSS for the whole wiki or specific CSS for some pages * The base component of the wiki is not the page, but the "wikibox" Each page (and each wikibox) can contain several wikiboxes, and a wikibox may appear on several pages * Each wikibox can be given specific rights (read/write/see history/change CSS...) * Each wikibox may itself be a container. For example if you want a menu common to several pages. * The wiki syntax is following the wikicreole standard, with some additions. The goal is to have most the possibilities offered by HTML. All the pages from the websites mentioned above are written with this syntax. * It is possible to write extensions to the wiki syntax. For exemple we have <> to display OCaml with syntax highlighting. Ocsimore also has a forum module (for messages/comments) but it is still beta. Ocsimore is conceived to be extensible and very customisable (even if it requires to understand a complex piece of code). It has very powerful right managements. We never announced/released Ocsimore yet because there are still a lot of work to do to improve user friendliness. But things improved a lot in the past months and OCaml developers (and ocaml.org admins) can probably cope with it). We will release version 1 soon. Vincent [for the Ocsigen team] > Hi, > > These days ocaml.org is a great resource and starting point for the > community and people interested in learning OCaml. It would be great > however if we have a collective wiki for OCaml too. Not being here at > any rate competitive and just complementary. > > It could cover: > - using core toolchain > - tooling like Oasis, OPAM, ocamlfind, ocamlbuild etc. > - type system tricks > - small projects with good code examples > - tools settings, emacs & vim configuration snippets > etc. > > it should be searchable, and fairly centralised. > > What kind of wiki engine we would like to use? > > I'd just opt either for oddmuse, mediawiki perhaps with some movement > towards custom one based on Ocsigen and Eliom, but here I don't have any > strong opinions, feel free to propose anything else. > > Separate issue is storage and server etc., I'd happily organise/discuss > these things, once we know the details :-) > > I'm open for any ideas and people joining up with the effort. > > Thanks, > > -Wojciech