> > It is possible for example to keep the current web site and add

> > progressively new pages using the wiki.


> Nice! If we did this, a gradual transition is key.


> > We will release version 1 soon.


> This is even more critical. Currently the ocsimore page says "It is under

> development (not usable for now)." Using a wiki locks us in to a very

> specific model. We need confidence the tool is stable and will continue to

> be maintained and developed.


I can change this sentence if it scares you ;) Actually Ocsimore has been used for years at PPS without any problem. Every member of the laboratory has its own wiki for his personal pages and people like it.

The part that is still not really user friendly is the administration interface. But a lot of work has been done in the past few months by the new maintainer Jacques-Pascal Deplaix and he plans to improve a few more things during the next weeks. I just don't want to call 1.0 something that is too difficult to install or that is badly documented.


I understand that you would prefer a wiki that is used on more than 2 Web sites, and that has commercial suport (or at least a large community) and I won't blame you for doing that choice. But Ocsimore is not going to die (because it's part of the Ocsigen project). And using Ocsimore on ocaml.org would be a good opportunity to support an OCaml project (may be OCaml Labs or the consortium could help if you need new features?). It would also be easier to find contributors amongst OCaml developers for creating customized extensions you may need ...


Why not giving it a try? We can install and configure it if you want.

