On Tue, 25 Dec 2012 10:01:54 +0100 Gabriel Scherer wrote: > The Caml mailing-list is not a social network to make friends and (+1) > other comments to confirm your agreement. I must say I do not understand your comment. I > When I first read your question, I decided to answer it by pointing > you to an answer to a similar question on StackOverflow: > http://stackoverflow.com/a/9358776/298143 That would be better option than you comment above, imho. > I noticed that the ocaml.org page you were pointed to had much of the > same content (minus the subjective comments), and was therefore an > excellent reference. What need would there be to answer you if you are > already given a good list placed on an authoritative *and* > community-handled website? I clearly wrote: "I saw references at the site, but looking for some "1st hand experience(s)" which implies I'm aware of ocaml.org, but looking for some opinion which book is best suited for someone starting with the language, iow. looking for "subjective comments". If such questions and answers do not belong here, then I must say it's a bit strange (never had such experience on other-language's lists). > On the contrary, if people have something to add, they would do more > good submitting a patch to improve the website rather than answering > your question here and now, that will end up lost in the mailing-list > archives. Maybe, it's time for a new entry in http://ocaml.org/faq.html ? > I'll be happy to answer your technical questions when you have some. > But please, a mailing list is not there to organize popularity > contests. Thank you for your kindness, but maybe I'll have none. Sincerely, Gour