Le Fri, 19 Jun 2015, Gabriel Scherer a écrit : > This change to the placement of attributes that was discussed in > http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=6612 > https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/152 > > It is indeed a mistake that it is not in the Changelog. As a meta-comment > (not discussing this particular patch), in the future we might need to have > "a proper Changelog line" as an explicit requirement for all submitted > patches (I would be tempted to add "a testsuite test exercising the > affected features"), because it is fairly error-prone to try to track > changes to add to the changelog after they've been merged. > > The rationale for this change is that the syntax was perceived as an > improvement by the ppx-users that expressed an opinion on the issue, and > they asked for this to be released as soon as possible hoping to facilitate > the transition to the new syntax (few existing users). > The change was tested against all released OPAM packages, and riak_ppx was > the only package that broke. It seems that either (1) the code using the > old syntax had not been released as OPAM packages yet (in retrospect it > seems reasonable that using OPAM testing as only testing vehicle is rather > fragile for very recent features; on the other hand, I don't know which > other tests could be put in place) or (2) said packages did not break in a > way that was perceptible to the automated tool. ppx_deriving compiles with 4.02.2, but its tests do not pass. I indeed have some unreleased code that breaks (it's on a distinct opam repo). I suspect the tool does not run tests? The syntax change might be an improvement indeed, but disabling the old behavior (attaching attributes to record labels) is *breaking* in a way that makes fixes difficult. For instance, introducing 'nonrec' is breaking, but in an easy to fix way; the attribute change is hard (you need to edit code manually to move annotations). > > I think 4.02.2 is a slightly less minor release than is usual: it does have > some new features that are not simply bugfixes, because they were requested > by users which were eager to see them released (typically all the > ppx-related changes). This is a delicate compromise to make, and > unfortunately there are indeed a couple regressions -- despite a very > silent rc1-to-release period. The only other one I know of is > http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=6908 . -- Simon http://weusepgp.info/ key 49AA62B6, fingerprint 949F EB87 8F06 59C6 D7D3 7D8D 4AC0 1D08 49AA 62B6