Hello, I have the pleasure to announce the creation of a new mailing list (thanks to the ocaml forge) dedicated to any discussion about ocaml-containers. Page of the mailing list: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/mail/?group_id=359 Address of the mailing list: containers-users@lists.forge.ocamlcore.org Containers is a modular and lightweight complement to the standard library, featuring many data structures and helpers; its design is oriented toward minimizing inter-modules dependencies and link-time bloat. It does not depend on Unix or other C libraries. The license is BSD, and it is possible and easy to copy single modules into your projects if your boss doesn't like dependencies. The current version is 0.12, and releases are done roughly every one or two months. Type `opam install containers` if you wish to install it. More info on: https://github.com/c-cube/ocaml-containers Cheers! -- Simon Cruanes http://weusepgp.info/ key 49AA62B6, fingerprint 949F EB87 8F06 59C6 D7D3 7D8D 4AC0 1D08 49AA 62B6