Dear Richard, Thanks a lot for your prompt, positive and helpful respnse! > Yes. I'm not sure if it was ever licensed properly, but I'm willing > now to (re?)license it under a liberal 3 clause, no advertising > requirement, BSD license: > > > > This is pretty close to "do what you like with it". I'm CC-ing this > to caml-list to put this in the public record. Great! Thanks! > > Is there a more recent version of the code available? > > Not as far as I know, but if you search for "dumper.mli" you will see > many copies in different places, so I suppose you'll have to go check > if people have added useful features that you want. Okay. I think we are fine with what we have, at the moment. So there were two warnings, one about an unused "open Printf" and one about an unused variable. The attached version of the module fixes them. I may also get rid of the "open Obj" statement and qualify all the references to this module as I fnd this style more clear. Cheers, Sébastien.