(* Dump an OCaml value into a printable string. * By Richard W.M. Jones (rich@annexia.org). * dumper.ml 1.2 2005/02/06 12:38:21 rich Exp *) open Obj let rec dump r = if is_int r then string_of_int (magic r : int) else ( (* Block. *) let rec get_fields acc = function | 0 -> acc | n -> let n = n-1 in get_fields (field r n :: acc) n in let rec is_list r = if is_int r then ( if (magic r : int) = 0 then true (* [] *) else false ) else ( let s = size r and t = tag r in if t = 0 && s = 2 then is_list (field r 1) (* h :: t *) else false ) in let rec get_list r = if is_int r then [] else let h = field r 0 and t = get_list (field r 1) in h :: t in let opaque name = (* XXX In future, print the address of value 'r'. Not possible in * pure OCaml at the moment. *) "<" ^ name ^ ">" in let s = size r and t = tag r in (* From the tag, determine the type of block. *) if is_list r then ( (* List. *) let fields = get_list r in "[" ^ String.concat "; " (List.map dump fields) ^ "]" ) else if t = 0 then ( (* Tuple, array, record. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in "(" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump fields) ^ ")" ) (* Note that [lazy_tag .. forward_tag] are < no_scan_tag. Not * clear if very large constructed values could have the same * tag. XXX *) else if t = lazy_tag then opaque "lazy" else if t = closure_tag then opaque "closure" else if t = object_tag then ( (* Object. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in let _, id, slots = match fields with h::h'::t -> h, h', t | _ -> assert false in (* No information on decoding the class (first field). So just print * out the ID and the slots. *) "Object #" ^ dump id ^ " (" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump slots) ^ ")" ) else if t = infix_tag then opaque "infix" else if t = forward_tag then opaque "forward" else if t < no_scan_tag then ( (* Constructed value. *) let fields = get_fields [] s in "Tag" ^ string_of_int t ^ " (" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map dump fields) ^ ")" ) else if t = string_tag then ( "\"" ^ String.escaped (magic r : string) ^ "\"" ) else if t = double_tag then ( string_of_float (magic r : float) ) else if t = abstract_tag then opaque "abstract" else if t = custom_tag then opaque "custom" else failwith ("dump: impossible tag (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")") ) let dump v = dump (repr v)