Hello, I have the pleasure of announcing the release of containers 0.16 (now on opam). Containers is a lightweight, pay-for-what-you-use, extension of the standard library that provides additional printers, functions, conversions from/to iterators, and new modules to ease the manipulation of options, errors, etc. A lot of new functions have been implemented, some modules have been deprecated (in particular, the `bigstring` interface was moved into its own opam library). The full changelog can be found at https://github.com/c-cube/ocaml-containers/blob/a2179d4355d7f3f66c029c3f412cfbdcd93f783e/CHANGELOG.adoc I wrote a small tutorial that demonstrates a few features of containers; it can be found at https://github.com/c-cube/ocaml-containers/blob/0e5334b673f86494d80f11210fc87a2527fa5be7/TUTORIAL.adoc Best, -- Simon Cruanes http://weusepgp.info/ key 49AA62B6, fingerprint 949F EB87 8F06 59C6 D7D3 7D8D 4AC0 1D08 49AA 62B6