Dear camler, I am pleased to announce the release of GlSurf 3.3, the first to be in opam: GlSurf, implicit curves and surfaces drawing and discretization GlSurf is a program (similar to Surf) to draw surfaces and curves from their implicit equations (that is drawing the set of points (x,y,z) such that f(x,y,z) = 0). It offers an intuitive and simple syntax to construct your functions, it can draw multiple surfaces simultaneously and it can use all the power of OpenGl to animate the surface, use transparency, etc ... For OS X user: - Opam test told me that it compiles under OS X, but I could not test the produced binary. So I would be happy if you can report failure or success on OS X For Windows user: - It should be possible to compile under windows ... with adaptation of Makefile.config ... I would be gratefull if someone could send me the adapted version. Remark: I tried to cross compile for windows and failed because of omake which is a dependency of camlimages. Cheers, Christophe