open Asttypes open Ast_helper open Types open Typedtree open Parsetree (* some helper functions *) (* extract_typ : Typedtree.structure -> type_expr *) let extract_typ str = match str.str_items with [{str_desc = Tstr_eval ({ exp_type = typ }, _)}] -> typ | _ -> failwith "cannot happen" (* split_arrow : type_expr -> type_expr * type_expr *) let rec split_arrow typ = match typ.desc with Tarrow (_, t1, t2, _) -> (t1, t2) | Tlink (typ') -> split_arrow typ' | _ -> failwith "cannot happen" (* various expressions *) (* 1 *) let one : expression = Exp.constant (Const.integer "1") (* false *) let ff : expression = Exp.construct (mknoloc (Longident.Lident "false")) None (* variable pattern *) let var x : pattern = Pat.var (mknoloc x) (* fun x -> 1 *) let fun_x_one : expression = Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (var "x") one (* let a = 1 in fun x -> 1 *) let exp1 : expression = Exp.let_ Nonrecursive [ (var "a") one] fun_x_one let env : Env.t = Env.initial_safe_string (* infer type of exp1 *) let (str1', _, _) = Typemod.type_structure env [Str.eval exp1] Location.none (* type of x *) let (typx1, _) = split_arrow (extract_typ str1') let b1 = Ctype.moregeneral env false typx1 (Btype.newgenvar ()) ;; print_endline (if b1 then "true" else "false") (* assert false *) let assert_false : expression = Exp.assert_ ff (* let a = assert false in fun x -> 1 *) let exp2 : expression = Exp.let_ Nonrecursive [ (var "a") assert_false] fun_x_one (* infer type of exp2 *) let (str2', _, _) = Typemod.type_structure env [Str.eval exp2] Location.none (* type of x *) let (typx2, _) = split_arrow (extract_typ str2') let b2 = Ctype.moregeneral env false typx2 (Btype.newgenvar ()) ;; print_endline (if b2 then "true" else "false")