We are pleased to announce a new release of Sundials/ML, an OCaml interface to the Sundials suite of numerical solvers (CVODE, CVODES, IDA, IDAS, ARKODE, KINSOL). This release adds support for Sundials 3.1.x, and most notably for the new generic matrix and linear solver interfaces. The OCaml interface changes but the library is backward compatible with the older versions of Sundials (2.5.0 onwards) that are still current in some packaging systems. OCaml 4.02.3 or greater is now required and optionally OCamlMPI 1.03. Information and documentation: http://inria-parkas.github.io/sundialsml/ Source code (BSD): https://github.com/inria-parkas/sundialsml opam install sundialsml # (requires Sundials 2.5.0 or above) There is a draft paper that describes our implementation. It is still undergoing peer review, but we would be happy to share it by private mail. We gratefully acknowledge the original authors of Sundials, and the support of the ITEA 3 project 11004 MODRIO (Model driven physical systems operation), Inria, and the Departement d'Informatique de l'ENS. Timothy Bourke, Jun Inoue, and Marc Pouzet.