If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dE1jM1JSTGdHVV8wTWZxenV4cEkwVlE6MQ OASIS, package managers and misc. One day, OASIS-DB will be able to automatically create package and repositories. We need to know what OASIS user wish to focus our effort on a few package manager. Preferred package manager Choose the package manager oasis-db should support GODI odb.ml OPAM native Debian packages native RPM packages (Fedora, Centos) non, OASIS should provide a package manager itself Preferred build system OASIS support by design ocamlbuild, but there are some other build system around. Which one do you think are worth to be supported by OASIS. ocamlbuild OCamlMakefile OMake ocp-build custom scripts native Makefile Powered by Google Docs Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Additional Terms