On 7/19/07, Loup Vaillant <loup.vaillant@gmail.com> wrote:
2007/7/18, Luca de Alfaro <luca@dealfaro.org>:
> Dear All,
> I would like to share with you an Ocaml implementation of extensible arrays.
>  The implementation is functional, based on balanced trees (and on the code
> for Set and Map); I called the module Vec (for vector - I like
> short names).  You can find it at
> http://www.dealfaro.com/home/vec.html
> Module Vec provides, in log-time:
>  Access and modification to arbitrary elements ( Vec.put n el v puts element
> el in position n of vector v, for instance).
> Concatenation
> Insertion and removal of elements from arbitrary positions (auto-enlarging
> and auto-shrinking the vector).
> as well as:
> All kind of iterators and some visitor functions.
> Efficient translation to/from lists and arrays.
> An advantage of Vec over List, for very large data structures, is that
> iterating over a Vec of size n requires always stack depth bounded by log n:
> with lists, non-tail-recursive functions can cause stack overflows.
> I have been using this data structure for some months, and it has been very
> handy in a large number of occasions.  I hope it can be as useful to you.
> I would appreciate all advice and feedback.  Also, is there a repository
> where I should upload it?  Do you think it is worth it?
> All the best,
> Luca

Very interesting. I always felt uneasy about the presence of
imperative arrays without a functional counterpart. I can't wait to
try it.

Looking at your array type definition, I assume that the timings you
specified are worst-case? Is it possible to achieve better (but
amortized) bounds? Do you think it would be worth the trouble?

I didn't see in your specs the complexity of your iterators. Does
these work in linear time, like those of the List and Array module?


For get/set, the worst case and the average case are both logarithmic: it's a balanced tree (if you are lucky, you can find your answer at the root! ;-).  I am open to new ideas.  In part, I wanted a simple data structure (easier to extend, among other things).  Also, I use Set, Map, etc, quite often, and those are also balanced trees: I thought that if I can live with those, I can probably live with Vec as well.

For an iterator, the worst case is as follows, where n is the size of the Vec:
That's why I have iterators: you can also iterate via a for loop, using get to access the elements, but then the time becomes O(n log n) for the first case, and O(m log n) for the second case.


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