Yes, here is some code.  Any help would be very much appreciated.
The following fails to type check:

class p (x: int) = object
  method plus1 : int = x + 1

class p2 (x: int) = object
  inherit p x
  method plus2 : int = x + 2

class r = object (self)
  val mutable l = []
  method make_el x = new p x
  method add (x: int) : unit = l <- (self#make_el x) :: l
  method length : int = List.length l
  method total : int = List.fold_left (fun t el -> t + el#plus1) 0 l 

class r2 = object
  inherit r
  method make_el x = new p2 x
  method total2 : int = List.fold_left (fun t el -> t + el#plus2) 0 l 

What I am trying to do is to replace, in l, elements of type p with elements of type p2, so that my class r2 can offer more methods (or use them internally).  However, the compiler complains that p2 and p are not compatible, because p does not have method plus2 (in spite of the fact that no runtime error can occur).

I am not a deep expert of Ocaml type system for classes, as you might have guessed by now, so if someone were able to suggest a set of type casts/notations/... that would make the above go through, I would be very grateful.
In my real (large) code, I use the elements of the list l in many places inside the code of r (and by inheritance, r2).

Do you have any code that we can look at to see what the problem is?  Can
you perhaps construct a small yet complete example that demonstartes the


William D. Neumann