I am trying to use sexplib to serialize some data structures, as many of you advised, and I am somewhat stuck trying to compile. This is what I get: ocamlfind ocamlc -package unix,str,vec,mapmin,hashtbl_bounded,fileinfo,intvmap,extlib,mysql,sexplib -I ../../batch/analysis -I +camlp4 -pp camlp4orf -g -c online_db.ml File "online_db.ml", line 44, characters 22-26: Parse error: [semi] expected after [str_item] (in [implem]) Preprocessor error where my line 44 is simply: type foo_t = int list with sexp I have the impression that the problem is in how I compile. Specifically, if I do not use the "-pp camlp4orf" part, I get a "syntax error", as the file is not getting preprocessed. If I use the above -pp line, I get the error I reported. I am not sure what is the proper way to preprocess the file, and unfortunately, sexplib does not explain how to compile code against it. I am sure this is obvious for everybody, but it is the first time I use camlp4, so some help would be appreciated. All the best, Luca