You must teach merging to understand your project. In general, you it means that you should write a .merlin file, that should show merlin where to search for your source code, build directory and libraries you’re using.   It is described [1] at merlin site. Also, you can look at other projects and use them as an example for merlin configuration [2]


On Jan 27, 2015, at 7:15 AM, Sébastien Hinderer <> wrote:

Christophe Troestler (2015/01/27 12:56 +0100):
It sometimes happens to me that I have troubles locating the exact
expression OCaml reers to in error messages. So, I am wonering: would it
be possible to have a mode where the error message would include the
expression itself, rather than the "This"?

If you compile within Emacs (C-c C-c), you can just click on the error
to go to the right location.

Well, I have merlin installed and strangely enough it seems to detect
more errors than the OCaml compiler. Perhaps because it's not reading
all the modules it should. The errors are missing type constructors
andother values...

It will temporarily highlight the expression the error is about.

Well, as a blind user, the highlighting is not very convenient. Perhaps
there could be an option which, whenenabled, would mark the expression
as an emacs region.


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