Dear all,

We are glad to announce the kick-off meeting of the thematic trimester 
** Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics **
which will be held at Institut Henri Poincarι (IHP), Paris, on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

Four keynote speakers are invited to give a talk on this occasion:

• Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, and Microsoft INRIA Joint Center, Palaiseau)
Digitizing the Group Theory of the Odd Order Theorem
• Thomas Hales (University of Pittsburgh)
Formalizing the proof of the Kepler Conjecture
• Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
Proof assistants in computer science research
• Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Univalent Foundations - new type-theoretic foundations of mathematics

More information on the thematic trimester will be found on the webpage

You will find preliminary lists of confirmed invited speakers for the 5 workshops of the IHP programme

5–9 May         Workshop 1 Formalization of mathematics in proof assistants  
2–6 June         Workshop 2 Constructive mathematics and models of type theory
10–14 June Workshop 3 Semantics of proofs and programs
23–27 June Workshop 4 Abstraction and verification in semantics
7–11 July         Workshop 5 Certification of high-level and low-level programs

Registration to individual workshops is free but mandatory here:
(you do not need to register to the trimester unless you intend to stay for longer than the duration of a workshop)

The organisers
Pierre-Louis Curien <>
Hugo Herbelin <>
Paul-Andre Mellies <>