I have gotten a few requests to revive the Yaxpo XML parser which I
wrote a few years back. I have restored the web site at a new location
in case anyone missed it.




Date: 2002-07-25 (03:06)
From: Mike Lin <mikelin@M...>
Subject: [Caml-list] yet another xml parser

none of the ocaml xml parsers out there quite served my needs, so i
wrote my own. for anyone who's interested, i put up a page about it.


the most interesting thing about the parser is that it is all hand
written in explicit continuation-passing style (CPS) instead of using
recursion or iteration. this allows one to do some amusing things in
clever ways; for example, it is possible to "pause" parsing, returning
control to the caller, and then pick up where it left off at some later

i am using the parser in conjunction with another project i'm working
on. it's still quite preliminary, but i'm using it already to do some
'real' stuff, so i hope it can eventually be useful standalone.