On 8/19/06, skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
On Sat, 2006-08-19 at 03:24 +0200, Tomasz Jamroszczak wrote:
>    I've been playing for a second time with Ocaml for a time now and I've
> got some insights in what could make the language more popular.

IMHO: the lack of debugging support on Windows is an illusion.
Ocaml code just works (TM), you don't need a debugger. A couple
of debugging prints is usually enough to find problems.
I agree with the major exception of there being no stack backtrace for exceptions in native code. Markus Mottl's patch for this has been sitting around for a while...please god, someone put this in the official distribution and release it on godi etc...please, please