Hello, i'm trying to make a OCaml binding to C library PCSCLite, and i'm not being able to compile it, because for instance, when i try to compile the pcsc_demo.c provided by MUSCLE i do the folowing steps: cc `pkg-config libpcsclite --cflags` -c pcsc_demo.c cc `pkg-config libpcsclite --libs` -o pcsc_demo pcsc_demo.o then when i try to compile my own program i can make the 1st step as above, only ading the OCaml lib path: cc `pkg-config libpcsclite --cflags` -I/usr/lib/ocaml -c testC.c but the problem comes when i have use the OCaml compiler to link to my OCaml and C parts, i tried (with variations): ocamlopt `pkg-config libpcsclite --libs` -o test testC.o testML.ml but i get an option usage error... The error is preaty explicit so i'm not obeying the compiling rules, but i'm not geting how i'm gonna add the `pkg-config libpcsclite --libs` part, because if i dont the C API wont be recognized by the OCaml linker... Thank You Manuel