> I agree. There are many different use cases, different types of developers > with different goals and styles. Putting most of the heavy lifting into > external tools so that can be integrated into any editor would be a great > boon across the board. > > Actually, how did ocamlwizard go? I seemed to have missed the OSC results. > The proposal looked promising.. > Ocamlwizard is available here from Osp Meeting: http://ocamlwizard.lri.fr/ The OSP result is here : http://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/38 Me and Mohammed were very busy this last month (from the osp meeting), but Mohamed have updated the website and the Newer will be online in few days, I think... Me, I try to finish the "developper documentation" this next week to help some best implementation of this tools in emacs and other IDE... and to explain our implementation, I prepare too a short video to show "how install" and "use" ocamlwizard. We try to finish some part of ocamlwizard, but we can't promise when... for this time. We didn't answer at all question on ocamlwizard, but I have read it (and I am sure, Mohamed too) and I wil continue every weeks to read caml list... and I hope this developper documentation answer for me. ...Sorry for my english... | Ocamlwizard Team | ------------------ | Baudet David | M2 Programmation and Developpment, Gamagora | ------------------ | http://dafide.free.fr/ | (En construction) | -------------------