Bonjour-- I've been working on a patch to automake to support packages with Caml code. Current features include compilation of programs and libraries, possibly with mixed Caml and C code, automatic dependency generation, and both bytecode and native code compilation. To get an idea, here is a sample CourierCAML_INCLUDES = -I ../ -pp "camlp4o pa_extend.cmo" CAML_LDADD = unix.cma bin_MLPROGRAMS = myprog lib_MLLIBRARIES = mylib.cma myprog_SOURCES = myprog.mli myprog_c.c mylib_cma_SOURCES = mylib_cma_LIBADD = otherlib.cma This defines a program and a library to be built. Typing "make all" will build myprog and mylib.cma. Typing "make opt" will build myprog.opt and mylib.cmxa. The CAML_INCLUDES variable applies the -I flag and an invocation of Camlp4 to all targets. The CAML_LDADD links in unix.cma with bytecode targets, unix.cmxa with native code. Also note that myprog includes an interface file myprog.mli that is compiled to myprog.cmi, but of course excluded from the link. The mylib.cma library also links in otherlib.cma (or otherlib.cmxa). The main things left to do are: * install support (I plan to use ocamlfind) * m4 macros to ease searching for Caml libraries on the system * support for more tools such as ocamllex/ocamlyacc (you _can_ do this manually now, of course) * improved integration with C A little page and download are at Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. Enjoy! tm