ATTN: Sir,
Do not be astonished by the contents of this mail.
This appeal is more necessary when this type of letter
is totally coming from a stranger. I am Emmanuel Chikwado
a principal attorney to Engr. Tony Douglas
Director, Project Implementation with the Nigerian
National Petroleum Corporation based in warri, Delta
State.In my search for a worthwile, and good enough
investor, your person or company profile captured my
attention earnestly. My client received gratification
of twenty two million, U.S Dollars ($22,000,000.00)
from contract awarded to a foreign firm for the
construction and maintenance of 250 Million(LPG)Gas
plant at warri Refinery. Hence the funds is under the
custody of a domestic bank for safe-keeping, I have
been mandated by my client (Engr.Tony Douglas)to seek
for an assistance of a trustworthy Foreign company or
an individual who could help to provide a reliable
Bank Account information to receive the money for
further investment without any hitch.However, my
client has agreed to will 15% of the total sum to
you,for your assistance while 5% is set-aside for
expenses that may be incured during the course of
transfer. Therefore, if this offer is acceptable to
you, please indicate your interest by contacting me on
my email address for a more laborate explanations.
Please be informed that there are no risk involved in
your involvement as all modalities has been put in
place to facilitate the smooth run of the
transaction.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

My best Regards,
Emmanuel Chikwado.
(Principal Attorney). [



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