Hello everyone, I was curious yesterday to see how good the OCaml PRNG algorithm was. After a bit of googling, I couldn't find any tests of it with the "gold standard" of PRNG tests, Diehard (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diehard_tests ; from that site, there is a link to obtain C and FORTRAN programs which test a binary file of random bits). So, I ran the Diehard test suite myself, using about 30MB of random bits generated from the stdlib Random module. Good news: it passed. Attached is the output of the test; basically, "passing" means that none of the P-values was too close to 0.000000 or 1.000000. See the Diehard NOTES file for more information, and also the note at the top of the output regarding the significance of large or small p-values. I just wanted to send this message so that future googlers like me yesterday will know that this test has been run, and that the OCaml PRNG passed. Will