I'm not sure that it's the source of the issue, but is this exponential behaviour caused by the unification algorithm?

Nicolas Braud-Santoni <nicolas.braudsantoni@gmail.com> a écrit :
On 25/01/2014 19:39, Matej Kosik wrote:

I am using ocaml 4.01.0.

I have noticed the following strange behavior:

I would like to ask: is this is a known phenomenon?

The context:

I have started to apply the advice given here:
That way I've got terms with which ocaml{c,opt} struggles.


It is a well-known problem that type inference is exponential-type[0]
This worst-case behaviour is triggered when you have deeply nested -> in
the types.

For an example, consider :

let f x y = y x x in
let g x = f (f x) in
let h x = g (g x) in
let h x = h (h x) in
let h x = h (h x) in
h;; (* This actually causes a stack overflow *)

Unfortunately, there isn't (as far as I know) a silver bullet.
Avoiding deep nesting of combinators mights be a solution, though.
I usually also helps with readability.


[0] under ETH, probably, but I don't currently remember.
