I try to built a library which contains several modules.
ocamlopt -a  -o lib  t1.cmx t2.cmx t3.cmx

then I copy  lib.cmxa , lib.a and test.ml in another directory

when I  compile  ocamlopt  -o test  lib.cmxa  -cclib -llib test.ml

I have the following error message

** Unbound module t1

Can somebody help me  to understand how to built a portable library

Thank you

Franck Delaplace @w3:http://www.lami.univ-evry.fr/~delapla/
Equipe BioInfo, La.M.I-U.M.R 8042 C.N.R.S
Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne    
Bd François Mitterand         
91025 Evry CEDEX (France)