> PS: You will find attached the source code 

When trying to read it, one of my brain modules threw an exception:
Stack overflow. :-)

Thank you to attempt to read it. You're a pioneer . What does it talk about ? :-)
Hi Franck,

Actually I only wrote to make that joke, but to be a bit more useful:
It might be that the constructs used by the code generator you used to
translate the FA definitions into ocaml nest somewhat too deeply, and
since the ocamlcompiler parses recursive descendend (i think) its
stack overflows at some point or other.


* Try cutting down your FA, let's say to half as a test case and
compile it then. Does it overflow still?
Yes it does if the code it still in a single file.
If it is splitted in more than one file it is ok

If things are like I suggest,
that is should be called a tagcc bug, since there is IMHO no
reason for FA execution to use nested constructs this way
(nesting too deeply).

Regards -- Markus

here another Stack overflow for a simpler program

let t = [| 
 (1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
    (1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
    (1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
    (1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0)
repeat the previous  array more than 390 times  ....

(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0)

|] ;;

Now, if I split it into several  different arrays but in the same file, There is also the same error.
If each line is replaced by (ugly code)
let t = Array.make 400 [||] ;;
let i = ref 0 ;;

(incr i ; t.(!i) <-
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0);
(1,[|1 ;1;1|],1.0)
|] );;

There still an error
I use ocamlc now which works well.
Thank you for your advice.

-- Franck Delaplace @w3:http://www.lami.univ-evry.fr/~delapla/ Equipe BioInfo, La.M.I-U.M.R 8042 C.N.R.S 523 Place des Terrasses 91025 Evry CEDEX (France)