Hi, I wonder if anyone can give me some pointers. I'm interested in having all memory used by my ocaml program memory mapped so that calculations can be preserved from one run of an ocaml program to the next. I'm thinking of something like: let empty_list : (string, string) list = [] in *let user_list = store.get_value "user_list" empty_list in* let user : string = Cgi.get_value "user" in let password : string = Cgi.get_value "password" in if exists user user_list then if auth user password user_list then print_account_details user else print_account_details user else begin *store.put_value "user_list" (add_user user password user_list);* print_account_details user end With the idea being that all values are stored in the memory mapped files so put_value and get_value are very fast. Serialization is ok for small data structures, but for 50M data structures, for which only a small part of the data structure is accesed, it is a pain. The idea is that put_value and get_value cause structures to survive to the uppermost scope level and so these are not garbage collected before program termination since they are still referenced. Everything else gets garbage collected and so doesn't clog up the persistent store. Of course program termination can take a long time if there are many dirty pages that need to be synchronised to disk. There may be some way to tell unix to sync dirty pages while the program is running but without thrashing (i.e. using all system resources). Such a persistent store does suffer from a lack of safety. i.e. killing the process or the machine going down could leave the store in an inconsistent state. If safety is required there must be algorithms around to provide it in conjuction with a memory mapped file, perhaps via checkpointing. Does referential transparency help us here? One final question: Are most people using database backends for persistence? Is it the case that most data structures that one would want to create in Ocaml programs map fairly easily into B-tree structures, i.e. are maps or multimaps from a keyed domain into some structured domain. best regards, Richard.