brian donovan wrote: > > If anyone has gotten PCRE-OCaml working on Win32 w/the MinGW port of > OCaml 3.0.7 w/out MSVC installed, please skip the rest of my email > (describing what I tried and what happened) and tell me what I need to do. I've just tried to make it work. First thing you need is PCRE itself built for MingW, unfortunately Cygwin package won't work. In PCRE folder do $ ./configure CFLAGS='-mno-cygwin -O2' $ make $ cp .libs/libpcre.a /lib/mingw/ $ cp pcre.h /usr/include/mingw/ Make will give you error in the end but that's not a problem. Then in pcre-ocaml folder set variables in Makefile.conf to following export STATIC = yes export MINGW := 1 export INCDIRS :=/usr/include/mingw export LIBDIRS :=/lib/mingw export CFLAGS := -O2 -mno-cygwin -DPCRE_STATIC Then remove CFLAGS = -O2 line from lib/makefile Replace OCamlMakefile with latest version (6.11.0) and apply attached patch to it. Than do make and make examples for testing. If it will work you can then do make install.