Olivier Grisel wrote: > I have just tried it for a few seconds and I found the following > identation a bit too wide: > > let f = function > | [] -> foo > | x::l -> bar That was a known issue, I had a (not so visible) page on my website about that. It was the "relative vs. incremental dilemn"... With a naive implementation, I couldn't base the indentation of line 2 on the beginning of line 1, so I based it on the keyword "function". Here is an idea of what you get if you base the indentation on the beginning of the line of the base keyword, without taking care: let _ = something first_arg second_one (if a then foo bar else bar foo) This week I was away from the network, but kept coding a bit... I tried to figure out what tuareg does (cannot read that amount of elisp), and did the same in OMLet. I will release it soon on vim.org. I also added customization. The current implementation base the indentation on the beginning of the line, or the last "(", "[" or "{" before the keyword, on the same line, if there's one. As far as I've tried, it's a good trick. The 4 spaces proposed by S. Luther a nice compromise between the strict old indentation and the tricky and meaningless (but nice) new indentation. But I think it would require more work for me, and for the script, which is already so slow... And I don't think people want it so much. Regarding integration of omlet with the official ocaml support, as far as I'm concerned I think it could be done within a few months, when OMLet will be considered stable. But Markus Mottl didn't give me his advice. There's only a very minor issue about code annotations, because I don't like being warned that my VIm is not compiled with python support everytime I open a OCaml file, and I'd like to find a good solution without Python. Also, I didn't work at all on .mll and .mly support. Packaging omlet separately is OK. Samuel Mimram could do that. I would just suggest to wait a bit. Hope you'll like release 0.7! -- David