Let's say you want to - transform a set into a map of constant value - remove all the elements of a set from a map - make the union of two maps (with for instance a merge function when there is a binding in both maps) You can write these functions with the Set and Map library ... but not with the best complexity (For the first one you get O(n ln(n)) while you can achieve O(n) very easely). Does someone see a solution that does not involve removing the abstract types ? -- Christophe Raffalli Université de Savoie Batiment Le Chablais, bureau 21 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac Cedex tél: (33) 4 79 75 81 03 fax: (33) 4 79 75 87 42 mail: Christophe.Raffalli@univ-savoie.fr www: http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~RAFFALLI --------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: this mail is signed using PGP/MIME At least Enigmail/Mozilla, mutt or evolution can check this signature. The public key is stored on www.keyserver.net ---------------------------------------------