On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Sebastien Ferre <Sebastien.Ferre@irisa.fr> wrote:

I have an application that I would love to run
on my N810. I know this is possible because it
has been done for Unison, including its GTK interface.


However, I haven't a clue on how this has been done.

Sebastien Mondet wrote:


On my N810, thanks to the "easy debian" technique:

It says 2.5Gb are needed, but this includes OpenOffice
and Firefox, which I don't need. Can you detail the
"easy debian" technique for installing ocaml in a lighter
way ?

It seems that at the time I tried (last summer), easy-debian was smaller and fitted in the internal memory card
(my  debian-squeeze.img.ext2 file weights 1.2 GB).

What I did is:
- followed their installation instructions
- just for fun, tried once in my life to lunch open-office on a PDA :)
- played with localepurge (apt-get install localepurge) and many apt-get remove and apt-get clean, to make space to install ocaml & co

But you can provide your own debian tree or disk-image to the easy-debian scripts (I did not try but they say so).

I got access to all the ocaml packages which are available on debian-ARM. Everything I tried worked perfectly (but I only tried "text mode" apps).

GTK is part of mameo, so with luck, lablGTK should also
work. Have you tried ?

no I even removed all X11 packages.

From debian I used: omake, extlib, pcre, and sexplib
And also camlmix and bracetax from sources.
(http://martin.jambon.free.fr/camlmix/http://bracetax.berlios.de/ )


Sébastien Ferré

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 5:14 PM, David Allsopp <dra-news@metastack.com <mailto:dra-news@metastack.com>> wrote:

   My shiny new Nokia N900 has finally arrived so, of course, having
   got bash,
   vim and texlive successfully installed I naturally need a compiler!

   Before I dig into trying to compile OCaml on Maemo 5, can I ask if
   else out there has already tried (and hopefully succeeded)?


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